That's the old stuff! I've re-designed the circuits for single supply, instead of the +12 and -12needed for the original op amp designs. I also stopped using tuner modules from car stereos, as they tended to be very noisy. The home radios were kinda poor, so I've been using digital radios from walkman like units, and even clock radios. The (or at least some)digital radios use an analog tuning voltage generated by a processor.
Australien Truthseekers are a team of individuals who are on the same quest, seeking the truth and researching topics relating to the paranormal and Occult Studies. Spiratically throughout the year we hold private meetings inviting experts to bring their knowledge and expertise to the table. Our team members are multi skilled and have a vast spectrum of strenghts relating to this study. Apart from the constant changing of consciousness we have performed ghost investigations and mind experiments. Intention is the key. Grounded is our aim. The Adelaide network is expanding !
Founder: Leigh Technical Advisor: theDVZ Ghosthunter: Mark Astrologist: Kevin Raike Master: Anita Experiencer: Chris Yoga Master: Ben Experiencer: Christine
1 comment:
That's the old stuff! I've re-designed the circuits for single supply, instead of the +12 and -12needed for the original op amp designs. I also stopped using tuner modules from car stereos, as they tended to be very noisy. The home radios were kinda poor, so I've been using digital radios from walkman like units, and even clock radios. The (or at least some)digital radios use an analog tuning voltage generated by a processor.
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